Shoulder joint replacement and transplant surgery
Shoulder joint replacement surgery is a surgical procedure that replaces the damaged shoulder joint with an artificial joint. This procedure is used to treat severe cases of arthritis or shoulder injuries that cause severe pain and limit range of motion. The shoulder is one of the joints that consists of a spherical part and a socket, and because the upper part of the joint is inside a deep cavity in the shoulder, damage to the joint can result in pain and complete weakness.
Therefore, it is imperative that you find a surgeon who can carry out a shoulder joint replacement surgery with the highest standards of quality and efficiency. Shifaay Center, the best medical tourism center in Egypt strives to provide an elite group of the best surgeons at the highest level from various nationalities, and the surgeon also works to properly diagnose the condition and conduct various scans that help to fully clarify the detail. If you want to perform this operation, do not hesitate to contact us right away. We guarantee a 100% success rate.
Types of shoulder joint replacement surgeries

As we previously discussed, shoulder joint replacement surgery involves replacing the injured shoulder joint with an artificial one. There are also different types of shoulder joint replacement surgeries. The patient’s treating physician will evaluate which type is best suited for them based on their medical history and condition prior to the procedure. The most significant kinds of shoulder joint replacement surgery are listed below.
First, complete replacement of the shoulder joint
The entire shoulder joint is replaced with an artificial joint consisting of a ball and a leg. This procedure is usually used in severe cases of arthritis or shoulder injuries that lead to damage to the entire joint.
Secondly, replace the inverted shoulder joint
This type of replacement surgery is used to treat severe shoulder ligament tears. The shoulder joint is bonded to an inverted artificial joint where the leg is placed in the humerus and the ball in the shoulder socket. This operation is also used when ligament tearing is so severe that the joint can no longer be held in place.
Third, partial shoulder joint replacement
Only one part of the joint is replaced, which is usually the humerus head. This procedure is also used when joint damage is limited to a single part.
It is also possible to replace and transplant the shoulder joint, which involves transplanting new cartilage into the joint. This process is also used when there is severe cartilage damage.
The type of shoulder joint replacement surgery is chosen based on several factors, including
First, the extent of joint damage
If the joint damage is limited to a single part, a partial joint replacement may be sufficient; however, if the joint damage is extensive, a complete joint replacement may be required.
Secondly, the condition of the shoulder ligaments
If the shoulder ligaments are healthy, a total or partial joint replacement may be appropriate; however, if the ligaments are severely damaged, a reverse joint replacement may be required.
Third, the condition of the cartilage
If the joint cartilage is severely damaged, a shoulder joint replacement and transplant surgery may be necessary.
Also follow: The cost of hip joint replacement surgery in Egypt
Reasons for shoulder joint replacement
It is known among orthopedic surgeons that shoulder joint replacement surgery is one of the most important operations that helps patients achieve a better lifestyle. This operation is used when other treatments fail to relieve pain and restore normal shoulder function. In the following section, we will go over the main reasons for shoulder joint replacement surgery.
First, arthritis
Arthritis is a common reason for shoulder joint replacement. There are several types of arthritis that can affect the shoulder joint, including:
● Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes joint inflammation.
● Osteoporosis is the most common type, caused by the erosion of the cartilage that protects the ends of the bones.
● Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that affects a subset of psoriatic patients.
Secondly, Tendon rupture
A rupture of the rotator cuff or biceps tendon may require a shoulder joint replacement surgery if the injury is severe and has not improved with conservative measures such as physical rehabilitation or conventional surgery.
Third, injuries
Severe shoulder fractures may necessitate shoulder joint replacement, particularly if they are complex and impair quality of life and arm function.
Fourth, osteonecrosis
Osteonecrosis occurs when blood flow to the bones is interrupted, resulting in the death of bone tissue. This condition can severely affect the shoulder joint, resulting in pain and loss of movement.
Fifth: Gradual erosion
Prolonged use of the shoulder in strenuous activities or sports that require repetitive motions can cause gradual wear and tear on the joint, resulting in pain and possibly the need for replacement.
Sixth, congenital malformations
People may be born with shoulder deformities, which can cause joint problems later in life. In these cases, shoulder joint replacement surgery may be required to improve function and relieve pain.
Complications of shoulder joint replacement surgery

The goal of shoulder joint replacement surgery is to improve the joint’s movement and function after it has been damaged by an injury or disease. This is because this type of surgery is best for severe cases of arthritis or shoulder injuries that cause severe pain and limited range of motion.
The procedure can greatly enhance the patient’s quality of life and is generally safe and effective. However, there are a number of complications that the patient should be aware of, the most significant of which are:
● Common complications such as infection, blood clots, surgical procedure deterioration, and the potential outcomes.
● Dislocation of the shoulder joint, in which the round part of the new joint may protrude from the socket.
● One of the most serious potential complications is humerus fracture, which can occur during surgery.
● transplant dislodgement: If the transplant dislodges, another surgical procedure may be required to replace the dismantled set of components.
● Other complications may include rotator cuff failure, nerve damage, blood clots, and infection.
To avoid these complications, follow your doctor’s instructions, maintain good hygiene, and schedule regular check-ups with the medical team.
How to perform shoulder joint replacement surgery?
All types of shoulder joint replacement surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision in the front or back of the shoulder and cuts the muscle tissue to reach the joint. After that, the damaged joint is removed, and the artificial joint is placed in its place.
In the case of shoulder joint replacement and transplant, new cartilage is transplanted in the joint.
Next, the incision is sutured and bandaged.
Recovery from shoulder replacement surgery usually takes several months, during which time the patient will need:
● Wear a shoulder strap to stabilize the shoulder.
● Follow physical therapy sessions to strengthen and restore shoulder range of motion.
● Take medications to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
● Avoid strenuous exercise and activities.
Follow also: Hallux valgus surgery
What is shoulder replacement and transplant surgery?
Shoulder replacement and transplant surgery is a procedure that replaces a damaged shoulder joint with an artificial one. This operation differs from traditional shoulder joint replacement surgeries in that it includes the transplantation of new cartilage in the joint. This operation is used to treat severe arthritis or shoulder injuries that cause cartilage damage.
Shoulder joint replacement and transplant surgery is performed under general anesthesia, with the surgeon making an incision in the front or back of the shoulder and cutting muscle tissue to access the joint.
The damaged joint is removed and replaced with an artificial joint, followed by the transplantation of new cartilage. The incision is then sutured and closed with bandages.
It is worth noting that the outcomes of shoulder joint replacement and transplantation are generally positive, with most patients experiencing significant pain relief, improved shoulder range of motion, an overall improvement in life, and a lower risk of developing arthritis in the future.
Despite the benefits of performing this procedure, it is critical to consult a doctor to determine whether a shoulder joint replacement and transplant surgery is appropriate for your condition.
What are the cases that require an artificial shoulder joint?
Some patients need an artificial shoulder joint, particularly those with osteoarthritis, the most common kind of arthritis that affects the shoulder and is caused by cartilage erosion.
Rheumatoid arthritis is another inflammatory disease that affects the joints and can also cause cartilage erosion and joint deformities.
Bone fracture, as fractures in the shoulder bones can cause damage to the joint, necessitating replacement, as well as rupture of the shoulder ligaments, which causes instability and makes the joint susceptible to early wear.
How much does shoulder joint replacement surgery cost?
The cost may vary depending on a number of factors, including the experience of the treating physician and the specialist surgeon in planning the operation, as well as the level and quality of the hospital and the length of stay. Furthermore, the medical tests performed before and after the procedure caused a variation in the overall cost of the operation.