Arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery in Egypt
Arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery in Egypt, Arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery is a procedure that treats knee problems caused by cartilage damage. Cartilage is an important part of the joint that helps the knee distribute weight and absorb shocks during human movement, making it more vulnerable to injury. The knee meniscus is thought to be among the most problematic parts of the body because of its numerous complications. It is most prevalent in the bones and joints, particularly in older people. Therefore, it is very necessary to consult a specialist doctor as soon as possible, if you have knee cartilage damage.
Due to the importance of arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery, many people are interested in finding out the cost of arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery in Egypt in order to undergo this operation at the best medical center and at the most affordable prices. Through reading this article, you will learn a lot about arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery, including the various costs that vary from center to center and from doctor to doctor.
This is the reason we wrote this article: to help you, dear reader, as much as possible so you can do this procedure as cheaply and effectively as possible and not be concerned about the cost.
Knee meniscus surgeries are done arthroscopically, utilizing a surgical scope that the doctor inserts through a tiny skin incision. This allows the surgeon to see inside the knee and precisely perform the necessary procedures and cartilage repairs. This technique is considered one of the greatest technological innovations that has helped medical professionals reduce the size of the wound and the amount of time patients need to heal after surgery because it is less complicated than invasive surgical procedures.
Arthroscopic knee meniscus resection in Egypt

An arthroscopic knee meniscus resection is a surgical procedure that involves cutting a portion of the knee’s cartilage to relieve pain and improve joint mobility. This procedure is typically used to treat cases of pain related to cartilage damage or tears.
The surgeon can repair and correct cartilage damage through arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery by removing all damaged cartilage and repairing any remaining damaged cartilage. In many cases, patients with meniscus problems in their knees may need to have artificial cartilage implanted in order to fully restore knee function and improve mobility. As a result, many people are curious about the cost of arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery in Egypt.
Arthroscopic cartilage resection is regarded as a highly successful and beneficial procedure because it relieves knee pain caused by a tear in the cartilage. In order to ensure that the patient has the best possible outcome from this procedure, it is essential to see the best surgeon for treatment of the knee, whether it be preoperatively, postoperatively, or both.
You can find the best doctor with experience performing this type of procedure by contacting Shifaay Center, one of the best medical centers that helps patients regain their ability to move normally, thereby improving their quality of life.
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Recovery period after knee meniscus surgery in Egypt
Following a successful meniscus repair, the patient requires a longer recovery period so that the knee can heal more quickly and effectively. This is because it is during this time that the knee will greatly regain its strength and range of motion.
Physical therapy sessions are often recommended by doctors to fully and successfully recover from knee meniscus surgery.
There are many questions regarding the recovery period after arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery, which is between 6 and 8 weeks. It depends on the patient’s condition and surgical technique. So, if you decide to have arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery and wish to heal properly, efficiently, and faster, we can provide you with some important information about how long you should rest after the procedure.
● Postoperative rest
Doctors advise patients to get adequate knee rest in the early postoperative days after arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery. The patient should not overstress his knee; instead, he should pay attention to the advice of the specialist doctor and adhere to all of his instructions, including those regarding the proper sleeping position.
● Recovery at home
Patients are frequently instructed to walk with a partial weight technique or on crutches following knee meniscus surgery, which helps to relieve pressure on the injured knee. The patient is also instructed to minimize physically demanding activities and to maintain a healthy diet in order to speed up the healing process following surgery.
● Physical therapy
As we have already covered, physical therapy plays a crucial role in the healing process following arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery. It is often advised to start physical therapy sessions on the surgically repaired knee as soon as the patient’s condition allows and to continue doing so until the patient achieves a notable and quick recovery of knee strength and function.
● Duration of return to routine activity
Many patients want to know how long it will take them to resume their regular activities. The answer to this question will depend on how well the patient is recovering and how the body reacts to the knee cartilage surgery. At follow-up visits, the specialist doctor provides instructions to the patient, which the patient must carefully follow regarding when to resume daily and athletic activities.
Additionally, as we previously mentioned, in order to guarantee a full recovery following arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery, the patient must generally follow the doctor’s instructions and directives and routinely follow up on examinations. It is also necessary to follow the necessary rehabilitation program and maintain a healthy lifestyle, as these programs play an important role in the patient regaining full knee function, which may take 6 months to 12 months.
If you are looking for the best medical center in Egypt to work with the best doctors who specialize in arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery, we can help.
At Shifaay Center, we have a large group of specialized doctors and experts in arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery who have performed this type of operation over a large number of years, making us the best choice for a large segment of society. When it comes to the cost of arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery, we offer you the best costs and prices regarding this surgical procedure.
The cost of knee meniscus surgery in Egypt
The prices and costs associated with knee meniscus resection procedures vary, but it is important to note that these procedures have much lower costs when compared to other nations. Because of this, many tourists travel to Egypt to have knee meniscus resection surgery in Egypt because Egyptian doctors are highly skilled and experienced, and as a result, arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery there is far less expensive than in other nations.
If you are looking for a medical tourism centers in Egypt that performs arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery and takes care of hotel reservations and travel papers from A to Z, Shifaay Center can do that for you.
You can now get in touch with the center to receive the highest caliber of service if you want to have an amazing experience carrying out this procedure, including all paperwork, transportation, and process costs, among other things.
Regarding the question of how much arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery costs in Egypt, which is one that many patients who are interested in traveling to conclude their knee surgery there ask, the price ranges from twenty thousand to forty thousand pounds. This is not an official figure, as it could be less or more depending on a number of factors that the specialist doctor determines after assessing the patient’s knee condition.
Duration of pain after arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery in Egypt
Arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery In Egypt is a surgical technique that repairs damage to the knee area’s cartilage using contemporary methods. Many patients with knee meniscus problems choose not to have this operation done because they are afraid of the pain. However, you should be aware that arthroscopic procedures do not always cause as much pain as people think they will, and with the help of the painkillers, the patient will notice a significant improvement in his level of pain compared to before. This is due to the fact that knee pain is one of the common side effects and consequences of surgery that some patients experience following any procedure they have had done on their bodies. Therefore, you should not be concerned about any postoperative pain if you have an arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery in Egypt.
The length of recovery following knee meniscus surgery varies depending on a number of factors, including the surgical technique and the patient’s health. However, it is generally preferable for the patient to stay in the medical facility for two or three days following the procedure in order to monitor his health and follow up on the operation’s outcomes. Doctors have noticed that many patients have pain after arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery during this time.
It is important to understand that each patient experiences pain differently, and this is due to a variety of factors, including the size of the injury, the type of surgery, and the unique characteristics of each person’s body. Some people’s bodies aid in their quicker healing and recovery, and their pain threshold is lower than that of others, whose bodies are more sensitive to pain. In general, following arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery, patients may experience pain for a few days to several weeks.
My experience with knee meniscus surgery

I had a great and successful experience with arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery, which helped me get rid of the knee issues I had been having for a long time.
When my knee pain became intolerable, I went to the Shifaay Center to make sure my knee was safe. There, I discovered that I had cartilage damage and that my knee meniscus was the source of my pain. This information led me to promptly undergo arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery in Egypt.
I advise anyone experiencing knee pain to see a specialist doctor to determine whether treatment of the knee meniscus is necessary. The quality of the patient’s movement and life in general will significantly improve after this procedure, but in order to ensure the success of the operation, it is imperative to adhere to the directions and advice of the treating doctor.
Reasons for failure of knee meniscus surgery in Egypt
The decision to undergo knee meniscus surgery is a significant step for many patients who complain of knee issues. Despite its importance and high success rate, this operation could fail for a number of reasons. To help you avoid these possible issues, we can discuss with you some of the reasons why knee meniscus surgery may fail.
These reasons are as follows:
● Technical factors: There might be issues with the methods used in the laparoscopic procedure, which could result in the surgery failing completely and making the operation unsuccessful in the long run.
● Post-operative Complications: Following surgery, there may be complications such as severe swelling, inflammation, or failure to follow the doctor’s instructions for physical therapy. These can hinder the healing process and potentially result in an unsuccessful operation.
● Problems related to the patient: The patient may have issues relating to his or her history, such as prior knee deformities or issues with healing, which could lead to an unsuccessful operation and subsequent patient failure.
● Lack of medical guidance: One major contributing factor to the operation’s failure can be attributed to the patient’s inability to receive the required care following surgery. This is because the success of the procedure depends largely on appropriate medical guidance and instructions, which must be followed precisely and correctly.
Therefore, Shifaay Center is the best option if you want to achieve the highest recovery rate possible from arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery while working with a team of doctors to monitor your condition quickly and at an unbeatable low cost. Our specialist doctor evaluates each case on an individual basis and gives recommendations and instructions that will increase the patient’s chances of success and decrease failure.
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When can I walk after arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery?
Following the completion of the arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery, the patient must adhere to the instructions given by the treating doctor in order to promote healing and minimize pain. The patient must also take the prescribed medications and follow the physical therapy sessions recommended by the specialist doctor. Within a week following the procedure, the patient will be able to walk limitedly, until he recovers completely.
Is arthroscopic knee meniscus surgery dangerous?
The operation itself is not dangerous; however, the risk stems from the patient’s failure to follow the doctor’s instructions and medications, as well as infections and bleeding that may occur in some cases. It is important to note that these complications are uncommon, occurring in a small number of individuals due to a variety of factors, as previously discussed.