The best cardiac catheterization doctor in Egypt can be found at Shifaay Center, where one of our top cardiologists looks after your heart and performs catheterization procedures as well as provides you with the necessary preoperative care and postoperative instructions. You will learn how to respond to the following queries by reading this article:

Best hospital for cardiac catheterization

Cardiac catheterization cost in Egypt

The best cardiac catheterization doctor in Egypt

How long does cardiac catheterization take?

Appropriate food after cardiac catheterization

Best hospital for cardiac catheterization

The best cardiac catheterization doctor in Egypt practices at Shifaay Center, which is also known for its cutting-edge medical technology and knowledgeable medical staff. The facility is regarded as Cairo top cardiac catheterization center as a result of these factors.

The best hospital for cardiac catheterization is a crucial decision for patients to make because the procedure requires a skilled and experienced medical team to carry it out, and because it also necessitates preparations of tests and analyses—all of which are available at Shifaay Center in one location—which are all available in advance of the procedure.

After the catheterization procedure, Shifaay Center will be there for you every step on the way to provide the necessary medical care and to provide guidance on when to resume your normal activities.

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Cardiac catheterization cost in Egypt

The price of cardiac catheterization in Egypt varies depending on the procedure, as well as the interventional procedures done during catheterization. This depends on the number of blocked arteries, and the treatments that the health condition requires. In general, Shifaay Center has competitive prices that take into account the condition of patients and the conditions of society.

The goal of Shifaay Center is to provide the best possible medical care according to modern technologies, and to return the patient to his activity as soon as possible and with the least possible complications.

Cardiac catheterization and stent insertion

To open up the constricted arteries, cardiac catheterization and stent placement are carried out. The best cardiac catheterization surgeon in Egypt performs this procedure at Shifaay Center with the goal of treating heart conditions and hastening the patient’s return to health.

Cardiac catheterization involves inserting a medical tube into a blood vessel in the lower or upper limb of the patient, and then guiding the tube until it reaches the heart. The placement of a stent aids in artery expansion and improves cardiovascular health.

The best cardiac catheterization doctor in Egypt

The best catheterization surgeon in Egypt performs this procedure at Shifaay Center. To schedule an appointment with the best medical staff for cardiac care at affordable prices in Cairo, contact Shifaay Center.

The following medical conditions are treated by performing cardiac catheterization and stenting:

  • Heart failure, coronary artery stenosis, and blockages
  • Heart valve disease
  • a congenital heart condition

Instructions after cardiac catheterization

The following instructions are general recommendations that we provide to our patients at Shifaay Center after cardiac catheterization. You can get more detailed instructions for your health condition from our doctor, who performed the operation for you.

-Reduce your use of your muscles, including your heart and limbs. This rule applies to all of your body’s muscles.

– For the first week, avoid carrying anything heavy.

– Skip sexual activity for a week.

– Skip your first week of showers

– Any activity that requires physical exertion, such as sports and climbing stairs, is prohibited for the first week.

– Increment the activities, and start this after the first week

– Consult your doctor when you are not sure how a particular action will affect the health of your heart.

What is the success rate of cardiac catheterization?

The success rate of cardiac catheterization is a question that many patients have, but it is one that is difficult to accurately answer. Comparing the success rate of an operation for three arteries to that of an angioplasty for one artery would just be unfair. Comparing a person with multiple health issues to someone who only has a heart issue would be unfair.

This is why the number of narrowed arteries, the patient’s health, as well as other variables that would take a long time to explain, all affect the success rate of cardiac catheterization.

In any case, Shifaay Center has the highest rates of success for cardiac catheterization in Egypt thanks to the presence of the best surgeons and experts in catheter and stent placement procedures for the purpose of ensuring the operation’s success and the patient’s maximum level of comfort.

Diagnostic cardiac catheterization

In some instances, if the condition is unclear after the initial Doppler and radiography examinations, the patient is given a diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Similar to a surgical catheter, a tube is inserted during a diagnostic cardiac catheterization to view the arteries and diagnose any problems.

Your doctor may decide to perform both a diagnostic and therapeutic catheterization at the same time, separately, or only as needed. By speaking with the specialist physician, these things can be discovered.

The best medical professionals for diagnostic and therapeutic catheters work at Shifaay Center. They carry out the procedure with the highest levels of professionalism and success rates in Egypt. Our outstanding nursing team aids in your recovery.

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Is cardiac catheterization dangerous?

Cardiac catheterization is one of the more delicate procedures, and each one carries a certain amount of risk, which is influenced by the surgeon’s skill and that of his team as well as the patient’s physical health prior to the procedure.

At the Shifaay cardiology Center, we offer every solution conceivable to maximize the success rate of cardiac catheterization procedures. Our doctors have extensive training and experience performing this kind of procedure.

The patient’s condition has the same concept. Before the operation, we perform all necessary tests, and we never let a patient under the knife unless we are absolutely certain that he will be able to make it through the procedure and emerge from it in the best possible health. Because of this, catheterization procedures at Shifaay Center are regarded as some of the safest in all of Egypt.

How long does cardiac catheterization take?

For diagnostic cardiac catheterization, the procedure takes about 30 minutes; for therapeutic catheterization, the process may take an hour or longer.

Catheterization procedures generally depend on the doctor’s skill; a skilled doctor can complete the procedure very quickly while maintaining a high standard of quality free of errors. The top cardiac catheterization specialists at Shifaay Center can carry out these procedures with great accuracy.

Appropriate foods after cardiac catheterization

After cardiac catheterization, it is best to eat foods that are high in fruits and vegetables and low in unhealthy calories, such as fast food.

Remember that you may be bedridden for a week or more following the catheterization procedure, so plan a healthy diet and select foods that will give you energy and serve a purpose. vegetables and fruits make up this food.

1-White meat, including fish and poultry

2-Complete grains.

3-Boiling food.

4-Steer clear of salty and fatty foods.

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